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Cafe IFAL Practitioner Third & Final Workshop

  • 18 Dec 2024
  • 09:00 - 10:15
  • Online in Zoom


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Café IFAL 

Café IFAL is piloting a series of practitioner workshops, Autumn to Winter 2024. Our third & final workshop 9am 18th December 2024.

The topic is Evaluating Action Learning.

How do we measure the effectiveness of an action learning programme? From the very personal learning outcomes of each individual set member to the quantifiable metrics of a sponsoring manager, or the compliance requirements of a regulatory body, how do we know that action learning has had an effect? And how do we know we have achieved the outcomes sought?

Practitioners will share their experiences and explore the different ways action learning can be evaluated. A key learning objective for this workshop is to gain an understanding of how and why action learning is evaluated in different contexts - including practical ideas for gathering feedback and reporting - and how this might be interpreted as a reflection of how and why action learning is valued in these contexts.

The workshop series is in response to feedback for more events aimed at doing action learning and honing skills in both being a set member as well as being a facilitator.

This third & final workshop will take place on the 18th December at 09.00 (9am) UTC / GMT on Zoom. The workshop will run for 75 minutes.

Numbers will be limited to 10 per workshop.

These practitioner workshops will be themed around some of the key aspects of setting up and being part of action learning sets. Designed and led by experienced practitioners, there will be some content input, practical tips and tools and the opportunity to work live, deepening the core skills of listening and question making.

We also hope that an outcome might be that participants carry on to meet as a self-facilitated action learning set. 

Each workshop is free to IFAL members, £15 to non-members. Please book your place by the 11th December 2024.

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