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International Foundation for Action Learning

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Membership Costs:

Individual membership costs £55 a year (approx 75 USD / 65 Euro) unless paying via recurring payment order which costs £45 (approx 63 USD / 53 Euro).

An Individual application form and payment options can be found here.

Corporate membership costs £275 a year.  You and up to five of your colleagues can join IFAL together and save money on individual subscriptions - AND you get all the benefits (see below) of individual membership. 

A Corporate application form and payment options can be found here.

Membership Benefits:

  • Reduced rates for events and conferences as much as 25% to 30% off – that’s the equivalent of a £100 on some events – events where you can develop your skills and highlight successes and problems in the application of Action Learning in a participatory environment so you can learn together - with and from other people who are also learning. 
  • Access to a range of SPECIAL OFFERS – right now there is a massive reduction in the subscription fee to the journal Action Learning: Research and Practice, just £36 per annum – a saving of over £100 per annum normally…and a big discount on the cost of a digitised film of Reg Revans himself talking about Action Learning and its attributes.
  • Use of the IFAL logo in your publicity and on your website and an opportunity for you to advertise your business on the IFAL website for FREE.
  • And coming soon, access to a small (but growing!) IFAL Library, which has writings and articles about Action Learning.
  • The ability for you to tap into an Action Learning Network – with members in the UK and Internationally who wish to develop their own and others’ knowledge and practice of Action Learning.
  • We have a LinkedIn group (just search for IFAL) which gives you an online forum to discuss all things action learning related with more than 600 other group members.  

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  • Join our mailing list to be notified of our next event.

Charity Registration Number: 273243  Company Registration: 1301020 England

Registered Office: 39 Bramber Road, North Finchley, London, England N12 9ND

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