is proud to present this event as part of our series
'Understanding the Many International Varieties of Action Learning: Origins and Practices'
The growth of "balanced" and "flexible" Action Learning in South Korea
presented by Dr. Yonjoo Cho, Dr. Hyeon-Cheol Bong & Dr, Sang Rak Kim
Dr Yonjoo Cho
Professor of Human Resource Development, Soules College of Business, The University of Texas at Tyler, USA
Dr. Cho is a professor of HRD and HRD MS degree program coordinator. Before joining academia, she worked in profit, non-profit, and academic sectors in South Korea. Her research interests include action learning in organizations, international HRD, and women in leadership. She has published three books including: Trends and Issues in Action Learning Practice: Lessons from South Korea (Cho & Bong, 2013) with Routledge and Current Perspectives on Asian Women in Leadership: A Cross-Cultural Analysis (Cho et al., 2017) and Korean Women in Leadership (Cho & McLean, 2018) with Palgrave Macmillan. Dr. Cho has served as an elected board member of the Academy of Human Resource Development (AHRD) (2016-2018) and Editor-in-chief of Human Resource Development Review (2020-2023) and serves on the editorial board of Action Learning: Research and Practice, Asian Women (SSCI), European Journal of Training and Development, Human Resource Development International, Human Resource Development Quarterly (SSCI), and Human Resource Development Review (SSCI). She also serves with the Korea Action Learning Association and Korean Association for Educational Technology.
Dr. Hyeon-Cheol Bong
Professor Hyeon-Cheol Bong, Chonbuk National University, Department of Business Administration, South Korea. Dr Bong is also the Honourable President of the Korea Society of Action Learning, Editorial Advisory Board Member of Action Learning: Research & Practice. He is the author of many articles and books, and co-author with Dr. Cho with a book in English on action learning in S. Korea.
Dr. Sang Rak Kim
Dr Kim is the Senior Vice-President, Head of the Global Leadership Centre, POSCO Group University; President of the Korean Action Learning Association (KALA), and Executive Director, of the Korean Society for Industrial Education, Korean Society for HRD, Korean Society for Corporate Education.
The three presenters will discuss the origins, and growth of “balanced” and “flexible” Action Learning in S. Korea, current practices, similarities and differences with other Action Learning varieties, and how the presenters foresee the future of Action Learning in S. Korea and the region.
The event will be recorded and made available to IFAL members in the Members Area of the IFAL website.
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