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Cafe IFAL - Are you seduced by content?: Balancing the 'doing' and the process in Action Learning.

  • 30 Mar 2020
  • 14:00 - 15:30
  • Zoom
  • 3


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Are you seduced by content?:  Balancing the 'doing' and the process in Action Learning.

Monday 30th March 2020 14:00 - 15:30

  • How, as facilitators, can we ensure that we focus simultaneously on presenter, process and learning outcomes?
  • Where, as facilitators, do you get seduced by the 'doing of AL'?
  • What's the value and benefit of the process review?
  • How do we engage set members and stimulate learning?

This session is brought to you by Fiona Scrase, Principal Consultant, Action Learning Centre, UK.  Fiona is, by her own admission, an Action Learning anorak. Introduced to AL in 1999 she was instantly taken by its simplicity yet powerful process. She now specialises in developing people and organisations through coaching, facilitation and Action Learning.

She has worked with facilitated AL in a variety of sectors working with nurse educators in the NHS, assistant directors in local authorities, drug and alcohol workers in a charity, academics and professional services staff in universities to business owners and social entrepreneurs.

In 2005 Fiona ran her first Action Learning facilitator training and since has trained over 250 facilitators. With advances in technology she now facilitates a number of virtual Action Learning Sets and trains facilitators to facilitate virtually.

Fiona is an active member of the action learning professional community co-convening Action Learning for Facilitators (ALF) network in London, which provides continuing professional development days four times a year for action learning facilitators. She is also a member of the CIPD and the International Foundation for Action Learning (IFAL).

Café IFAL is a brand new virtual discussion forum where Action Learning practitioners can share their experiences of using Action Learning in real situations. Whether you wish to present a piece of work you’ve delivered – the struggles and successes - or simply contribute to the debate, join us at Café IFAL.

The format of this virtual event includes a brief presentation of a particular piece of Action Learning practice, followed by open discussion where we share related experience and create opportunities to learn with and from each other.

Sessions last 90 minutes and take place on the Zoom platform. 

Numbers are limited to 15 people.  Costs are £10 for members and £20 for non-members.  All fees go towards hosting further events.

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